Life Revealed

Life Revealed.jpgI am allowing myself to be led on a journey. It is a path I have not chosen, filled with mystery, darkness, unknowing, longing, joy and love. I don’t know what I am searching for. But what I do know is how I have experienced God in my life. By allowing myself to be led by God, growing deeper in relationship with Christ, and being vulnerable to the Holy Spirit, I am living in a deep place of joy.

Last week my joy was so intense, I paced in my home not sure what to do with all this energy…nervous yet excited. I realized what I needed to do, yet have been very resistant to begin. So I texted my son at college and asked him to help me set up this blog. My sharing these personal stories of faith is the result of God’s voice heard through various people on a pilgrimage I took across the country in August.  Although friends and family have encouraged me multiple times to join social media, I was not interested in adding this to my life…until a monk in western Pennsylvania heard my story and challenged my hesitation. Brother Placid said the world hears much bad news, and stories of Good News are desperately needed in the world.

So here I am. Full of hesitation as I begin, and not knowing where I am being led. I hope you will journey with me.

30 thoughts on “Life Revealed”

  1. Anne, thank you for your leap of faith and for allowing me to share your journey. I cannot wait to read more. Loving you always, Mel


    1. I am looking forward to reading your blog.

      And I am just thrilled to see Melanie Shaw will be reading along with me!

      Love you both!


  2. Anne, I’m sure this journey will be a blessing to you as well as to all who journey with you. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of it.


  3. Anne, I am so excited that you will be sharing your thoughts. You have a beautiful heart, and are so creative – I think that this is a wonderful endeavor! Love, Jane


  4. Your blog will be deep, wide, and substantive. May your time be as multiplied as your commitment as you add another dimension to your beautiful Peacock feathers. I knead your bread for this journey. Love, Claire


  5. Anne, Thank you for inviting me to walk with you on this journey. I look forward to sharing my thoughts, fears and joys with you. It is rare in today’s world to be invited on such an exploration. Peace, Ann C.


  6. Anne, This is an act of courage and faith that few of us are able to push toward. . . and I speak from my own experience in that. . .Thank you for taking a risk for the sake of our shared journeys toward God. I expect that many of us will find ourselves blessed as you follow the path God has shown you. Peace, Susan


  7. Anne,
    This is so uplifting and inspiring. Your bravery is such a blessing to your readers. Thank you for sharing this, and for inviting me to journey with you. I’m in… & it’s a beautiful one already. ❤


  8. Anne,
    Today’s sermon struck me as so needed and so pertinent in our world today.
    It’s interesting to me that compassion & forgiveness for others is easier than for myself. God loves me, how amazing is that!


  9. Anne, I’m honored that you included me in your new endeavor. It is and will be exciting to see where your path leads . I commend my life verse to you: “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” (Acts 20:24)–Uncle John


  10. Congrats on starting this journey. It’s not always easy to follow your heart but the risks lead us to where we need to be. Thanks for sharing this part of your journey. Love, Allison


  11. Anne I was just on a 4 hour road trip with my sister and it was wonderful. The sharing that we are invited to on Bread for the Journey reminds me of a road trip that offers plenty of quiet time to share what comes to mind & to heart.


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